Welcome to dunn.ca

Please explore my websites…

Some other special sites…

These links are to sites that mean something special to me. They are external websites, and although some contain my photos and other material, I have no control over, or responsibility for, their content.

From the old days…

I am no longer associated with these organisations, but I gave each of them a lot of my life - coding, management, websites, photography, graphic design. They've all evolved since I moved on, but there is still a lot of me left in them, in various ways.

About ...

I registered the dunn.ca domain in 2012 because I wanted a nice easy email address for me and my family, and because I wanted somewhere to tinker around on the web. And if you've read this far and are wondering about draiggoch.ca — that was a suggestion from my fantasy-reading family that pre-dated dunn.ca. Red Welsh dragons look great, but the only Welsh connections I have are very distant.

There are plenty of Dunns in this world. In England they used to make hats, in Montreal, smoked meat. Unconnected with either, we are the ones with our family home in Valois, Québec, with family members in North Otter Lake Ontario, Beaconsfield, Verdun, Quartier des Spectacles and Eastbourne.

Contact any of us by emailing to our firstname @ this domain. Or you can contact me directly here.

Copyright © 2024 Keith Dunn